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For Your Consideration:

History is replete with innovations which in hindsight seem too simple to have been overlooked for so long. Consider just four recent examples:


- Volume Control on Steering Wheels

- Wheels on Suitcases 

- The Lobby Dust Pan  (aka: the gravity-closed dust pan

- The Three-Point Seat Belt  (aka: the shoulder strap seat belt)


Each of these industry-changing inventions was a straightforward but substantial improvement to a common device that was being used by millions of people on a daily basis. Moreover, each device (steering wheel; suitcase; dust pan; two-point seat belt) had been in widespread use for many decades before its simple but substantial improvement was invented.


There was no practical or financial reason why any of these advances could not have been devised decades sooner. Yet as simple and immediately conceivable as these innovations were, they were far from obvious.


Why did these ingenious innovations go undiscovered for decades?  Because it is difficult to proactively imagine how a basic but definitive change can yield such a significant increase in utility. These basic changes were not easy to discover even though they were easy to implement.


Likewise, the Meridian Mouse is a simple yet groundbreaking innovation in computer navigation. Consider that the mouse scroll wheel changed the way the computer mouse is made and is now standard operating equipment. The Meridian Mouse will also permanently enhance computer navigation because no other mouse is faster at opening applications.

With the Meridian Mouse: access to applications is instant.


The Meridian Mouse will produce a paradigm shift in computer navigation such that, in looking back, it will seem as though the Tilt Function should have always been a feature of the computer mouse. 








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